Порядок оформления стажировки в Италии

В компании STA Baltic процесс оформления программы Work and Travel достаточно прост.

В компании STA Baltic процесс оформления программы Work and Travel достаточно прост.

Программа обмена в США, Work and Travel, начинается с того, что тебе достаточно либо зайти в офис компании, либо связаться с менеджером “STA Baltic” любым из способов: телефон, электронная почта, социальные сети, “Skype”…

Мы не привязываемся к одному определенному месту, т. к. отправляем участников сразу из нескольких стран.

В этом же и плюс компании – развитая и действительно вариативная система взаимодействия с клиентами.

Истории участников

Thanks for the amazing experience, warm ocean and meeting new friends.

Гриша Самарин

This year I was lucky to visit USA through the Work and Travel program from the STA Baltic agency.
This summer was unforgettable, a lot of emotions, a lot of friends and wonderful memories. I think I will definitely will try again this year 😇

Влада Ломова

My name is Vlada and I came to Myrtle Beach as part of the Work and Travel 2018 program. It was a perfect summer that I will keep in my memories for a long time. I met a lot of new people, mostly I was spending time with Americans. I advise everyone dont miss the opportunity to learn about another country and feel the life of another culture.

Анастасия Малай

Summer 2010 I spent in USA by participating in the Work and Travel program from STA Baltic. I worked as a waitress in IHOP and traveled to Miami, the Bahamas, Dallas, Charleston, Chicago and New York. I will be happy to return to America again and again 😋

Егор Громов

Summer 2018 I took part in the Work and Travel program. I enjoyed it, if the goal is to earn a lot of money you have to get a second job, if it’s just for pleasure and relax it’s better just to be a lifeguard)

Анна Нечаева

Summer 2019 my dream came true — living in America and feel the thrill of relaxing at the ocean! All this would not have happened if I had not found out information about STA Baltic who organized this trip! I am extremely grateful for the help and supporting from paperwork and obtaining a visa, as well as traveling to an amazing country! I recommend STA Baltic to everyone!