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Alustasime tegevust Work and Travel programmiga 2004. aastal Eestis ja Lätis. 2006. aastal avati STA Baltic Venemaal. 18 tööaasta jooksul oleme saanud tõelisteks professionaalideks “Work & Travel” turismivaldkonnas.

“STA Baltic” pakub noortele ja üliõpilastele erinevaid välispraktika-, õppe- ja tööprogramme nii suveajal kui ka aastaringselt.

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STA Baltic pakub noortele rahvusvahelisi kultuurivahetusprogramme, pakkudes võimalust elada ja töötada välismaal. Selline kogemus aitab kaasa nende isiksuse ja suhete arengule rahvusvahelisel tasandil.

STA Baltic aitab noortel leida ametlikku tööd, korraldada soodustingimustel reisimist paljudesse maailma riikidesse, et saada uusi praktikaid ja seiklusi.

4 põhjust, miks valida meie firma
STA Baltic - see on suurim tööde valik Work and Travel programmis osalejatele
saavad USA viisa
teenib tagasi reisi kulud reisi enda ajal
8 inimest 10-st
töötavad kahel töökohal
9 inimest 10st
osalevad korduvalt programmis, kui seda lubavad nende õpingud

Thanks for the amazing experience, warm ocean and meeting new friends.

Гриша Самарин

This year I was lucky to visit USA through the Work and Travel program from the STA Baltic agency.
This summer was unforgettable, a lot of emotions, a lot of friends and wonderful memories. I think I will definitely will try again this year 😇

Влада Ломова

My name is Vlada and I came to Myrtle Beach as part of the Work and Travel 2018 program. It was a perfect summer that I will keep in my memories for a long time. I met a lot of new people, mostly I was spending time with Americans. I advise everyone dont miss the opportunity to learn about another country and feel the life of another culture.

Анастасия Малай

Summer 2010 I spent in USA by participating in the Work and Travel program from STA Baltic. I worked as a waitress in IHOP and traveled to Miami, the Bahamas, Dallas, Charleston, Chicago and New York. I will be happy to return to America again and again 😋

Егор Громов

Summer 2018 I took part in the Work and Travel program. I enjoyed it, if the goal is to earn a lot of money you have to get a second job, if it’s just for pleasure and relax it’s better just to be a lifeguard)

Анна Нечаева

Summer 2019 my dream came true – living in America and feel the thrill of relaxing at the ocean! All this would not have happened if I had not found out information about STA Baltic who organized this trip! I am extremely grateful for the help and supporting from paperwork and obtaining a visa, as well as traveling to an amazing country! I recommend STA Baltic to everyone!